skin changes such as mild, pink blush appear between 30 and 50 years old and never disappears
redness of the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks
red pustules and other skin changes
wrong diet ( carbohydrates, trans fats, processed food) not enough fiber in the diet
nutritional deficiencies especially deficiency of the Vitamin B group
presence of toxins in the body
digestive problems / constipation
emotional stress
food intolerance
dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis – bacterial flora disorders
consumption of alcohol, sugar, meat and fizzy drinks
hormonal balance disorder
bad reaction to synthetic hormones
low level of stomach acid ( recommended fermented food like fermented cabbage / juice or fermented beetroot juice)
Candida overgrowth
heavy metals inside the body, acne=mercury
Diagnostic tests for Acne Rosacea:
examination for fungal organism – analysis of faeces and blood or bioresonance
test for heavy metals inside the body, acne=mercury (bioresonance, hair analysis)
nutritional & vitamin deficiencies ( especially Vitamin B12) – blood, urine or hair analysis
hormone level ( thyroid, IGF-1, estrogen, progesterone / testosterone balance, as well as cortisol and DHEA levels) – analysis of saliva
tests for allergies and food intolerance (recommended bioresonance)
leaky gut syndrome– urine test
test for Candida / parasites/ microbes
Recommended products:
fresh, raw vegetable & fruit diet – stay away from process food
lots of dark green leafy vegetables eating raw or in a juice (carotenoids help to take care of your skin and speed up its regeneration)
linseed (fiber, essential fatty acids)
nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds (reach in fiber, essential fatty acids, Vitamin E so important for healthy skin)
Omega 3 fish oil
drinking water– hydration and removal of the toxins
live bacterial cultures like organic yogurt
food which include Vitamin B
remove food/ drink like: caffeine, alcohol, spices and spicy food
remove sugar and iodised salt from the diet (they dilate the blood vessels)
beware of hot food and drinks– let it cool down before consuming
trans fats cause inflammation of the skin and many other parts of our body; eliminating red meat and fatty, fried foods will reduce inflammation and help digestion
stay away from the sun, hot bath/ hot shower/ sauna
balance your hormones
vitamin B12 ( always recommend Vitamin B Complex)
Vitamin C ( helps with whole body function)
Omega 3 (one of the most important essential unsaturated fatty acid)
Vitamin A
Reishi (supports the work of the liver, whose good functioning is very important for healthy skin condition)
Spirulina & Chlorella ( body detox, removals of heavy metals )
Betaine (HCL) – increases the amount of stomach acids, supports digestion (and especially proteins); prevents bacterial overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract, protecting against worsening of acne.