What are the adaptogens / (adaptogenic herbs)?
Adaptogen(s) is a non-toxic substance or a plant extract that is responsible to increase the body’s ability to resist the damaging effects of stress in our lives. It also helps to promote or restore normal physiological functioning of the human body.
Adaptogens are the foundation of health & holistic support not only for the body, but also for the mind.
How does adaptogens work and what are the adaptogens benefits on our body?
Which plants / herbs are adaptogens?
Mixing of adaptogens is not recommended as they have a completely different action, often antagonistic to each other.
The strength of the plant depends on few factors: form of extract, age of the plant, place of collection (pure air) = quality, dosage etc. It is very important to be aware about this information before you buy any supplements, herbs or oil extract. Make sure you choose pure form. Knowledge is the key.
Adaptogens have been with us forever, but only recently, we have begun to learn and experience their amazing potential.