
Acne affects over 80% of people between 12 and 21 years of age, however, often more adults.

Characteristic red-white pustules are the result of blocking and often infection of skin pores. In this case, hormones play an important role. If the hormonal process is disturbed, skin eruptions occur:

  • sebum production increases 
  • keratin production is increased (protective protein covering the skin)  
  • the number of sebaceous glands increases, which increases the risk of acne lesions

All of the factors mentioned above, lead to clogging of the pores and, as a result, to excessive accumulation on the skin of bacteria and yeast, and the formation of inflammation. Deeper inflammations may cause nodules, cysts, and even scars.

Causes of Acne

Changes in hormone levels occur not only during adolescence but also during pregnancy, menstruation and menopause, as a result of stress, contraceptive pills and other factors, like:

  • genetic tendencies
  • wrong diet ( carbohydrates, trans fats, processed food)
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • presence of toxins in the body
  • digestive problems
  • emotional stress
  • food intolerance
  • Candida overgrowth
  • insulin resistance / elevated blood sugar
  • stress
  • acidification of the body by too much consumption of alcohol, sugar, meat and sweet fizzy drinks

Acne Diagnostic tests:

  • examination for the fungal organism – analysis of faeces and blood or bioresonance
  • nutritional deficiencies – analysis of blood, urine or hair
  • blood glucose test
  • hormone level (estrogen, progesterone/testosterone balance, as well as cortisol and DHEA levels) – analysis of saliva
  • tests for allergies and food intolerance (recommend bioresonance) 

Acne Recommended products:

  • Mediterranean diet – stay away from processed food diet
  • dark green and orange colour vegetables eaten raw or steamed (carotenoids help to take care of your skin and speed up its regeneration)
  • linseeds (fiber, essential fatty acids)
  • nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds (rich  in fiber, essential fatty acids, and Vitamin E are so important for healthy skin)
  • Omega 3 fish oil
  • drinking water- hydration and removal of the toxins
  • live bacterial cultures like organic yogurt


  • Vitamin C
  • Omega 3
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin A ( ask your doctor)
  • Vitamin E
  • Chrome
  • Vitamin B6 ( recommend Vitamin B Complex)
  • Selenium
  • Spirulina & Chlorella (detox)

Homeopathic & Alternative medicine:

  • Silicea (fights recurrent white pustules)
  • Pulsatilla pratensis (relieves acne caused by hormonal changes, beginnings of menstruation and menopause)
  • Hepar sulphuris (treats acne characterized by painful pimples filled with oil and skin lesions)
  • Calcarea sulphurica (combats cystic and chronic acne with yellow secretion)
  • Acupressure / Reflexology / Hydrotherapy
  • Aromatherapy Facial  Massage
  • Oxygen Therapy

Aromatherapy oils:

  • Lavender ( calming the skin and emotions, combats bacterial infections)
  • Geranium ( regulating process of sebum)
  • Bergamot (astringent and anti-depressant)
  • Tea tree ( antibacterial, cleansing properties)
  • Copaiba (doTerra) – sweet-honey-herb smell ( promotes the appearance of clear, smooth skin, reducing blemishes)
  • Cedarwood ( healthy skin)
  • Sandalwood ( promotes healthy-looking, smooth skin whilst reducing the appearance of skin imperfections and blemishes)
  • Digestzen (doTerra oil) – helps with digestion problems,  connected with the consumption of the wrong food, helps with detox
As in other conditions, avoidance of the causes of acne is best. We have highlighted some of these causes here, and the remaining can be found here